Have you RSVP'd for the Annual Dinner?
We still have 25 seats available! Remember: only the 1st 70 RSVP's are accepted. If you are a member of the Doty Island Development Council (DIDC), you should have received your invite to our annual dinner and meeting. This year Club Liquor and Island Shores are co-hosting the event at Island Shores on Thursday, November 10th starting at 7pm. Members are free; Non-members are $10 per person. At the dinner, the community will hear the 2016 Year in Review (our year runs Nov 1 - Oct 31) - including financials, events, and 2017 goals. RSVP's can be taken until November 4th (or until the max capacity is reached!)
The dinner also helps kick off our annual fundraising event. This year, the Mowry's Table fundraising event will benefit Habitat for Humanity's Rock the Block event to be held in July 2017 on the west side of Doty Island. DIDC will match up to $1,000 in contributions. A representative of Habitat will be joining us to tell us a little about Rock the Block and to join us for dinner.
If you are planning on attending, please RSVP by Friday, November 4th by email (dotyisland@gmail.com) or call Kathy at (920-725-3174). Please let us know your menu choice also (Salmon, Chicken Oscar, or Roast Beef).
If you have any questions about this event, please call or text Jacy Park at (920-479-0894). Thank you for supporting Doty Island!