Register Your Rummage Sale
Hey, are you planning on doing some spring cleaning and want to sell your stuff at our annual Doty Island Rummage Sale? Here's your chance! Every year we get loads of compliments on our island-wide rummage sales. It's a big hit! The rummage sale map can be easily found online. We just ask that you register your rummage sale with us in order to add your address to our list. For your $10 registration, the Doty Island Development Council (DIDC) will:
* Add your address and rummage sale description to the online advertising (
* Hand out free bottles of water and maps during the day of the sale.
* Deliver a Doty Island Rummage Sale sign and 15 maps to hand out to your customers the Friday before the sales.
It's easy to register! Just go to our online PayPal registration at
Or if you prefer, send us a $10 check and description of your sale to: DIDC - Rummage Sales
PO BOX 894
Neenah, WI 54957
Have fun!